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New Year Resolutions: The Christian Way

It's the new year now. 2023 has passed and we can say goodbye and now we welcome 2024. As we approach this new year, let's embrace a new lifestyle, a new us. On the 24th of December in 2023, City Community Church held a baptism session where several people of all ages got baptized. The recently baptized have now started their new lives in their walk with God and this article can serve as a starting point for them, what to do, and what they can change. I can also be useful to those who are a beginner, intermediate, or a long-time follower of Christ. Here are some things you can add to your New Year resolutions to help you in your walk with God.

As you have recently started your journey, there may be things you might not be very familiar with. These are some small things to help you build your foundation. To build a foundation is to build a relationship with God. God is all-powerful and all-knowing but he is also very loving. He wants a strong relationship with you and thus prayer is an important thing to do when starting your journey.

Prayer is a way to communicate with God, it's your one way to speak to the one who loves and created you, and it helps build a relationship with Him. Prayer is not a way to ask for things you want, but a way to talk to him and to lay yourself bare. You can speak to Him about your day, about your new job, your cute children, your A grade you got on your test, you can even vent to him, speak to Him about anything, and He will be there to listen.

Another important aspect of your walk will be the Word of God or in our case, the Bible. As stated earlier, prayer is a way to communicate with God but another way for Him to talk to us or instruct us is the Bible. The Bible is the message he has for his people: us. Study His word, and put it into practice as it can help you tremendously.

As you study the Bible, it is very important to put it into practice. We read the bible and we understand his rules and laws, now it is to go out there and practice his word. If He tells us to obey and respect our parents, go up to them and tell them how much you love them. Whatever it is the Bible has told you, put it into practice. The Bible isn't just a book of rules but a way of living.

"Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:9

The next thing you can do is go to church. Church is a great way to interact with fellow Christians. Everyone has their stories and experiences. It is always hard to try something new, especially a new religion; having friends who are in the same position as you can help in your journey greatly. The worship, the preaching, and the fellowship, what is there not to love?!

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Matthew 6:33

When you're in church, just chill. Church is a very friendly place with great people, nobody will bother you when you are doing your own things, therefore you should enjoy the worship session, sing your lungs out, raise your hands, dance, whatever you feel like doing at the moment. I find worshipping God a great time, it's always fun and liberating.

If you are feeling comfortable in the church and you want to help in some way, you can start serving. There's a lot you can do: you can song lead during worship, pour your heart out to the Lord as you sing with all of your breath; and if you're too shy to lead but still want to sing, being a backup is perfect for you. Helping with the PA system works as well, you can help control the slides, or perfecting the sound design. You can help with escorting people into the church on Sundays as well, there are so many different things you can do to help the church by serving, so why not try it if you want to?

“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”

John 12:26

So here are some resolutions:

  • Take 15 minutes of your day to pray, ask the Lord how he is doing, maybe vent to Him a little, whatever it is, and take your time to pray and converse with Him.

  • Read your Bible, maybe a chapter per day or more, however you fancy.

  • Give to the less fortunate, pay God's blessings forward.

  • Put what you read into practice, it is important to do His word as well.

  • Go to church every week and make a few friends.

  • Sing your heart out during worship

  • Serve, if you are comfortable with it, try some singing or some simple stuff like helping around the church, whatever floats your boat.

Do this at your own pace as being a Christian is about trusting God and putting him first. It may be hard to do that, trust me I understand, but nothing in this world is easy, and it is always good to know that there is a Father, a Brother, a Teacher, or whoever you consider God to be, he is just glad that you have accepted him and he welcomes all of you into his arms.

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